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Winners of the Monthly Kill Competition

Please note: under 300 kills does not count toward monthkill achievements.

2018 October    FancyPants          584
2018 November   You                 567
2018 December   You                 442
2019 January    Morkarn             474
2019 February   Morkarn             633
2019 March      Morkarn             635
2019 April      Morkarn             623
2019 May        Morkarn             682
2019 June       Morkarn             562
2019 July       Morkarn             450
2019 August     Morkarn             646
2019 September  Morkarn             600
2019 October    Morkarn             641
2019 November   Morkarn             670
2019 December   Morkarn             588
2020 January    Mitzie              324
2020 February   Mitzie              348
2020 March      Morkarn             201
2020 April      Morkarn             200
2020 May        Maindip             188
2020 June       Maindip             203
2020 July       Morkarn             201
2020 August     Morkarn             334
2020 September  Morkarn             250
2020 October    Morkarn             333
2020 November   Morkarn             461
2020 December   Maindip             401
2021 January    Morkarn             455
2021 February   Morkarn             301
2021 March      Morkarn             810
2021 April      Morkarn             200
2021 May        Morkarn             320
2021 June       Morkarn             305
2021 July       Morkarn             302
2021 August     Morkarn             130
2021 September  Morkarn             400
2021 October    FancyPants          199
2021 November   Morkarn             400
2021 December   Morkarn             312
2022 January    Morkarn             321
2022 February   Morkarn             502
2022 March      Morkarn             219
2022 April      Morkarn             250
2022 May        You                 154
2022 June       You                 341
2022 July       You                 218
2022 August     You                 302
2022 September  You                 168
2022 October    You                 407
2022 November   Morkarn             100
2023 January    Morkarn             132
2023 February   Morkarn             222
2023 March      Morkarn             222
2023 April      Morkarn              32
2023 May        Morkarn             153
2023 June       Aardvark             87
2023 July       You                 161
2023 August     Morkarn              44
2023 September  You                 162
2023 October    Morkarn             306
2023 November   Morkarn             115
2023 December   Morkarn             100
2024 January    You                 343
2024 February   You                 465
2024 March      You                 267
2024 April      You                 350
2024 May        You                 584
2024 June       XTC                 543